Pictures from the tropics


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SKU: ISBN 90-73187-33-8 Category:

Marie-Odette Scalliet, Koos van Brakel, David van Duuren and Jeanette ten Kate

Pictures from the Tropics presents four centuries of painting in the former Netherlands East Indies. By way of the most important works now in the Dutch public domain, an entirely new survey, partly based on the latest art historical research, has been created.

Marie-Odette Scalliet extensively discusses seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth century painting. David van Duuren defines portrait art as a genre in the eighteenth and nineteenth century Indies, with the emphasis on the ‘Portrait Gallery of Governors-General’. Koos van Brakel outlines the cultural climate of the early twentieth century Indies, and assesses colonial painting within the context of western art. Jeannette ten Kate, finally, focusses on the traditionally unique position of Bali-based artists within the colonial painting scene.

This book furthermore offers a complete inventory list of all the Indies-inspired paintings in the Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam, the National Museum of Ethnology(Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde), Leyden, the Rotterdam Museum of Ethnology(Museum voor Volkenkunde), Museum Nusantara, Delft, teh Museon, The Hague, Museum Bronbeek, Arnhem and the Gemeentemuseum, Alkmaar, thus making these invaluable collections more easily accessible.

Text English

160 pages, 150 pictures, 94 pictures in full colour

Dimension 300×250 MM

Weight1180 g


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